• Octoraro Lake Area, Lancaster and Chester County

    I went to Octoraro Lake in southern Lancaster and Chester Counties hoping to find some elusive bird species, but came back with these photos instead.

    There was an interesting view of this silo from the lake.

    One of the area’s many picture perfect farms.

    Tobacco field, Lancaster County. Not many Pennsylvanians are aware that we grow tobacco here in the state.

    I just thought this was a really nice looking barn. I loved the natural wood board look.

    Free kittens. I nearly stopped …

    This year’s calves getting round the clock monitoring for proper health and growth.

  • Rushton Farm Preserve

    Rushton Farm Preserve in Chester County is a location I frequent while birding. It’s a lovely property with a mixture of gardens, meadows, woodlands, and a creek.

  • Exton Park

    Here is a shot from a quick stop at Exton Park of an old farmhouse surrounded by corn fields. This park was formerly part of the property of the adjacent Church Farm School.

  • A Little Family Time

    Here is a cool panorama shot taken by my brother of the pond on my aunt’s farm property near Millville, PA (Columbia County).

  • Well, Hello There!

    Welcome to my blog dedicated to life in rural (and not so rural) Pennsylvania. I’ll be exploring the Commonwealth’s outdoor life whether on farms, in forests, in gardens, on lakes and streams,  or just about anywhere in the great outdoors. My goal is to educate, enlighten and entertain an increasingly urbanized world about agriculture, the outdoors, and life in rural areas.

    I’m a lifelong Pennsylvanian with a passion for photography, birding, camping, hunting, and fishing. I currently live in Chester County, but I also have roots in western and north central Pennsylvania. I am excited about this blog, but I promise that the title of this post will be last form of exclamation point abuse you will see on these pages. If you would like to get in touch with me, please contact me at ruralpennsylvanian@gmail.com.

    Please visit my online gallery to purchase images here.



    All images are presented as fine art photography and editorial commentary on life in rural Pennsylvania and are subject to copyright. No commercial endorsement by people or property owners of the work depicted herein is stated or implied.

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